We serve a just God. Life may not have treated you fairly, but He will make it up to you. If you keep a good attitude throughout your trials, triumph will soon come knocking on your door.
This is what happened to a young lady named Rachel. When she was six years old, her parents got divorced. Her mother, an African-American social worker and yoga instructor, found it difficult to raise her young daughter.
Rachel loved acting, but also became involved in community service and charity projects. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree and a double major in theater and international studies. Rachel got married in 2011 but the marriage was short-lived and ended in divorce in 2013.
Heartbreak, discouragement, and disappointment followed Rachel much of her life. However, through the pain and struggle, she kept doing her best and moving forward. She didn’t let the yesterday’s disappointments rob her of today’s opportunities.
In 2016, Rachel was setup for a blind date by a mutual friend and the rest is history. Today, Rachel Meghan Markel is getting married to Britain’s Prince Harry!
Friend, what odds are you facing today? Have you been wronged by people? Are you in a self-imposed prison of drugs, alcohol, or other addictions? Have you been tempted to give up and throw in the towel? Are you listening to the condemning voice of the enemy that keeps playing in your mind? If this is you, I have good news for you! Where you are right now is not your final destiny. You may feel like you’re in a prison but that is not where you’ll stay. There’s a palace waiting for you in your immediate future. Don’t lament over the past; get excited about your future. Bigger, better, and brighter days are just around the corner!
Where you start is not as important as where you’re going. In the Bible, Moses had a horrible start. He was born of Hebrew slaves. All the children of his time were systematically killed. In an attempt to save his life, his parents sent Moses down the river Nile in a basket. God caused that little basket to float right into the heart of the Pharaoh’s palace – the very same place where orders were given to destroy the babies. Friend, sometimes God will allow you to go through some turmoil. Don’t be afraid. The enemy cannot harm you because God is watching over you.
Moses grew up in the palace as Pharaoh’s son. When he discovered his true identity, he bonded with the Hebrew slaves and killed an Egyptian task master. Moses fled for the next forty years. When he was in the desert, along with vipers and scorpions, Moses felt broken, forgotten, and was left for dead. But it was during that time that he learned to surrender to God. Have you ever felt lost and alone? Are you in despair? Does tragedy and sorrow surround you? I want to remind you that there’s hope. Moses went on to bring Egypt on her knees and lead God’s people to the Promised Land. Friends, God never does anything random. Everything in your life has a purpose. Even things that have gone wrong will be used by God to your advantage. Your test will become your testimony to glorify God. Don’t be frustrated and don’t give up.
God is intricately involved in your future. Healing is coming. Relationships are mending. Battles are turning in your favor. Jobs and resources are coming your way. Increase and influence are in your future. God is not going to bring you out the same way you went in, but He will bring you out better off than what you can imagine! If God can pave the way for Meghan to meet and marry the Prince of England, then God can make your dreams come true also. If He can take Moses, the son of Hebrew slaves, and raise him in the enemies’ palace, then He can defeat your adversaries also. My challenge to you today is to simply change your focus. Don’t look at the prison of your past; instead, fix your gaze on the palace that God is preparing for you. The more you thank God for it, the sooner it will happen. I pray and declare that you’re coming out of prison and heading to your palace. I love you and I believe in you!
“However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him” (I Corinthians 2:9 NIV).