At Build International, we’re all about building people.

Build International Ministries is a non-profit Christian organization focused on building people and spreading hope. Founded in 2005 and based in Dallas, Texas, this international organization is comprised of hundreds of co-workers, partners and volunteers.

Our Vision

Building People. Spreading Hope.

Our vision is to win souls, make disciples, train leaders, and plant churches. We do this by empowering people mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are also providing relief to destitute people by supplying clean drinking water, creating job through vocational training, and education.

Who We Are

We are a team of people committed to alleviate the suffering of people both here and in eternity. Our international team includes people like you from all walks of life. Currently, our work is focused on Asia, Europe, North and South America. We're committed to the holistic development of the body, mind and spirit

Our Mission and Values

Our attitude of service comes from the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to follow Him with the example of servant-hood He set for us. We’re committed to serve the poor and the affluent to benefit both. We believe all individuals are created equal. We love and respect all people regardless of their culture, ethnicity, or creed.

Operations and Financials

Build International Ministries is run by a board of directors. We're a 501 (c)(3), non-profit charitable organization, which lives by principles, including financial transparency. All major decisions are agreed upon and approved by the board of directors. Our financial records are kept by a third party CPA. Our books are in compliance with IRS guidelines.