Help a child reach their God-given potential. Around the world, 58 million primary-school-age children — more than half of them girls — are not enrolled in school. Being out of school puts these children at greater risk of exploitation and at a disadvantage.



You can send a child to school or university with as little as $30 to $120 per month. We sponsor academic students who are highly motivated and committed to improving their own community through their college career. 

Did you know that women make up about two-thirds of the world’s 759 million adults (age 15 and older) who lack basic literacy skills? Approximately 72 million primary school-age children, 54 percent of whom are girls, are not enrolled in school.

Educating children, teenagers, and adults helps to break generational cycles of illiteracy and poverty. Education and training are key to building a sustainable infrastructure that impacts both community and culture. Build International is actively involved in teaching and training children and adults alike.

We also sponsor vocational and adult education centers in various formats. We believe in the teach them to fish principle. Given the education and opportunity, these adults get an opportunity to learn a trade and become productive citizens in their own community. 

Another area of training is spiritual development. Did you know that only 10% of the spiritual leaders in the Third World have any formal training? We seek out and invest in community leaders who are already serving and making a difference locally. Would you consider educating the next generation and equipping quality leaders who are transforming their community?